Cosmetic Dermatology
Cosmetic dermatology helps to improve the appearance of the skin through a number of specific procedures, such as vein treatment, filler injection, laser resurfacing, and cosmetic surgery procedures. Dr. Poser also treats skin conditions, such as moles and skin tags, and he also provides treatment for both non-malignant and malignant skin cancers.
Normal Moles
The majority of individuals have moles somewhere on their body. These are skin cell growths that form in a cluster rather than an even distribution over the skin. Moles are generally black or brown in color, however, the exact color varies due to melanin skin pigment. Most moles are harmless unless shape or texture changes. Patients with moles that itch or bleed indicate that the cell renewal process is active. To determine the type of mole on your body, we recommend scheduling an appointment with our Gainesville plastic surgery center to ensure the evaluation is performed by a medical professional.
Malignant Melanoma
Malignant melanoma is a serious, cancerous condition that is often first diagnosed by changes in the appearance of moles on the skin. Malignant melanoma occurs when unrepaired DNA imparts damage on skin cells. UV exposure from the sun or tanning beds is the common cause of this skin cancer type. Some people are genetically more susceptible to developing malignant melanoma. Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer because it can spread to other parts of the body and cause death. A physician trained in dermatology in Gainesville, FL can make an early diagnosis of this condition.
Skin Tags
Skin tags are harmless skin growths that may affect patients of all ages. These skin tissue overgrowths can occur anywhere on the face, on the neck or on other parts of the body. These are generally benign growths that sometimes occur on clusters that may become a problem to the person’s comfort or appearance. Skin tags do not typically require removal unless they are irritated from the rubbing of clothing. Patients who dislike the appearance of skin tags may also opt for removal. A cosmetic surgeon, such as Dr. Poser, can easily remove skin tags using a number of successful and relatively painless techniques.
Atypical Moles
Atypical moles, called dysplastic nevi, are oddly shaped and benign moles. Atypical moles are unusual in size, in shape, in color, and in texture. If a mole has jagged or uneven edges; features irregular coloring; increases in size; or changes in appearance, it may be atypical in nature and requires medical evaluation. Patients with this type of mole must regularly monitor the growth for any changes, which could indicate the mole becoming malignant. In many cases, it is advisable to remove atypical moles before the development of cancerous cells within the mole occur and potentially affect other parts of the body.
When To See The Cosmetic Dermatologist
Patients should examine their moles on a regular basis to monitor any changes in size, shape or texture. If any changes are observed, it is important to make an appointment with a Gainesville dermatologist. Because moles can occur anywhere on the body, moles may be in areas that are not easily examined, such as on the shoulders or back. Patients should use a small mirror to help them see these hidden moles or employ the help of a friend or partner to examine the moles and note any changes. Any itching, redness, swelling, softening, hardening or tenderness of a mole warrants an appointment.